Wednesday, September 4, 2013

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Winnie the Pooh

             I think the incident mentioned in the  post only happened so that I could truly appreciate the ten months ahead of me. With only a few days to fix the problem, I took the initiative to contact my school, telling them of the situation. Thursday morning, the principal emailed back that he was not the one who could give me an official place in the school that the consulate needed, so my host parents would have to go to some board meeting a week from when I needed the approval. Obviously, this wasn't helping, but there was nothing we could do about it. 
              I was Skyping my host family Thursday afternoon to talk about the later travel plans and preparing for the trip. It was nice to talk to them because I was so sad. Then my mom comes downstairs and said that a lady from AFS just called and said the visa was on its way. Apparently she had been talking to a lady at the consulate all day and convinced her somehow to send the visa without the other document needed.
It's official that I am extremely awkward at goodbyes. I don't get emotional whatsoever and it ends up being more of an awkward pat on the back. I didn't know what to do when my mom cried at the airport, and now I am on my plane ride to Nueva York.
           Also, I went to school yesterday. I get the craziest questions or things people tell me. Everyone was either like
1. I thought you were in Spain! Why are you here?
2. How was Spain? Didn't you go to Spain?
3. You're going to be so tan when you get back.

          The next 4 days will be extremely busy, but I will keep you updated! 

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